2. Recruitment and Selection Process
The aim of people resourcing strategy is to ensure that a firm achieves competitive advantage by attracting and retaining more capable people than its rivals and employing them more effectively (Armstrong, 2010). Armstrong (2001) states that preparing plans for finding people from within the organization and/or for learning and development programs to help people learn new skills. If needs cannot be satisfied from within the organization, it involves preparing longer-term plans for ensuring that recruitment and selection processes will satisfy them (Armstrong, 2001). The recruitment and selection process is concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing suitable people to meet an organization’s human resource requirements. They are integrated activities, and ‘where recruitment stops and selection begins is a moot point’ (Anderson, 1994).
- According to Armstrong (2010), There four stages of recruitment and selection are
- Defining requirements – preparing role profiles and person specifications; deciding terms and conditions of employment.
- Planning recruitment campaigns.
- Attracting candidates – reviewing and evaluating alternative sources of applicants, inside and outside the company: advertising, e-recruiting, agencies and consultants.
- Selecting candidates – sifting applications, interviewing, testing, assessing candidates, assessment centers, offering employment, obtaining references; preparing contracts of employment (Armstrong, 2010).
As part of making a decision, the employer must have a good idea of both the duties that will be performed as part of the job and the level of performance required for job success (Catano, Hackett and Wiesner, 2013). Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for filling up vacant positions in an organization. It sources the candidates with the abilities and attitudes, which are required for achieving the objectives of an organization. The recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right candidate. To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is recommended that the HR team of an organization follows the five best practices. These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any interruptions. In addition, these practices also ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment process. According to the Catano, Hackett and Wiesner (2013) recruitment and selection decisions must be defensible; they must meet legal requirements and professional standards of reliability and validity. Defensible hiring decisions are not arbitrary; the measures used to make hiring decisions must be stable and provide job-related information (Catano, Hackett and Wiesner, 2013).
Recruitment Planning
Armstrong (2001) states that the number and categories of people required may be set out in formal workforce plans from which are derived detailed recruitment plans. More typically, requirements are expressed as ad hoc demands for people because of the creation of new posts, expansion into new activities or areas, or the need for a replacement. These short-term demands may put HR under pressure to deliver candidates quickly (Armstrong, 2010). This is the initial stage of the recruitment process and is an important part of Human Resource Management (HRM). The recruitment planning is not just about the costs of the recruitment process. Before organizations select, they should execute appropriate staffing plans and forecasts to decide the number of individuals they will require. The recruitment planning includes many activities. Like, Identify the vacancy, Job analysis, Job description, job specification, and Job evaluation.
Recruitment Strategy
Catano, Hackett and Wiesner (2013) state that the system must be based on solid empirical support. HR personnel must be able to demonstrate the reliability and validity of their selection systems. Second, any selection system must operate within a legal context (Catano, Hackett and Wiesner, 2013). Once we study how many with what qualifications of candidates are needed, the next step involved devising a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in the organization. This step involves attracting job seekers to the organization.
Screening / Shortlisting
Beardwell and Claydon (2007) state that it is extremely unlikely that all job applicants will meet the necessary criteria, and so the initial step in selection is categorizing candidates as probable, possible or unsuitable. This should be done by comparing the information provided on the application form or CV with the predetermined selection criteria (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007). Its start when the Searching will complete. Screening starts after the completion of the process of sourcing the candidates. This is the process of clarify the applications of the candidates for the further selection process.
Evaluation and Control
This is the last stage of the recruitment process. This estimates the effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods. Evaluation and control are the last stages in the process of recruitment. In this process, the effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Beardwell and Claydon (2007) state that where systems are linked to competencies, aspects of fairness, effectiveness and validity become amenable to evaluation (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007).
The aim of the overall recruitment and selection process is to provide enough information to enable recruiters to differentiate between those who can do the job and those who cannot. The prescriptive approach stresses that the final decision should involve measuring each candidate against the selection criteria defined in the person specification and not against each other (Torrington et al., 2002). Recruitment and selection are integrated activities. Recruitment is primarily concerned with generating a pool of suitable candidates whereas selection is concerned with identifying those that meet the organization’s requirements (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007).
Organizations following a cost reduction strategy are likely to use ad hoc methods of recruitment and selection and rely on agencies and subcontractors. Organizations following a quality enhancement strategy are likely to adopt sophisticated methods to recruit and select employees and organizations following an innovation strategy are likely to focus on core competencies and transferable skills (Sisson and Storey, 2000).
- Anderson, A.H. (1994) Effective Personnel Management: A Skills and Activity-Based Approach. Oxford: Blackwell Business.
- Armstrong, M., 2010. Armstrongs essential human resource management practice - a guide to people. 1st ed.
- Armstrong, M., 2014. Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 13th Edition. 13th ed. Kogan Page.
- Beardwell, J. and Claydon, T., 2007. Human resource management. 5th ed. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.
- Catano, V., Hackett, R. and Wiesner, W., 2013. Recruitment and selection in Canada. 5th ed. Toronto: Nelson Education.
- Sisson, K. and Storey, J. (2000) The Realities of HRM. Buckingham: Open University Press.
- Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (2002) Human Resource. Management, 5th edn. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Agreed with you. The recruitment and selection (R&S) process are essential to organizations affecting success. Collaborating with traditional and modern technologies is the way of proper decision techniques/processes to increase the qualitative of R&S decisions this suggests that (Shih, Huang and Shyur, 2005).
ReplyDeleteYes Amila,
DeleteIt is the responsibility of the HR department to ensure they follow a detailed and well organized recruitment process in order to have reduced employee turnover, a proactive strategic alignment, increase morale of newly recruited employees and increase productivity (Kokemuller, 2019)
Job specifications indicates minimum acceptable qualification that a potential candidate must have to perform a job. (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Information which is acquired from job analysis, job specification identifies the skills, knowledge and abilities required to do a job (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).
ReplyDeleteYes Nuwan,
DeleteOnline or e-recruitment uses the internet to advertise/post vacancies which provides information about the job opening and the organization and enables e-mail communications to take place between employers and candidates. (Armstrong, 2014).
Agreed & Gomez-Mejia and colleagues (2004) defined the term “recruitment” as the process of citing the sets of specific attributes for job applicants. The first step of the process begins when companies advertise in labor markets to attract applicants possessing the attributes they advertise. Potential applicants may be discovered inside or outside the organization, or both. Selection means the process of either hiring or not hiring in what is the second step of the application process by considering the decision in terms of each case. The selection process might be viewed in terms of the attributes or performance required by the organization.
ReplyDeleteWell said Chandana,
DeleteUnderstanding the requirement of the organization (what specific aspects organization is trying to measure by having the candidate take the psychometric test) and selecting the most appropriate type of test is critical (Armstrong, 2009).
Agreed. Tomer (2016) states that Recruitment is the initial step towards creating the competitive strength and the strategic advantage for the organizations. Further the article says that this process requires many resources and time and involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews
ReplyDeleteRecruitment has become one of the crucial tasks in the global business environment which is identified as highly challenge-able. Also, I Agree with the above points and I would like to add more on to this content. In the recent concerns have been drawn after thoughtful discussions on potential threat of unscientific claims about personnel selection methods that include personality testing on the internet and the use of online testing for selection purposes specifically (Anderson et al.,2004).
DeleteSyamala D. and Dasaraju S. (2014) says recruitment and selection is linked to organizations activities as performance, turnover and satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteYes Sumeera,
Deletewhen recruiting and selecting the candidate, the employee should be fit with the organizational culture, the candidate before the appointment is a challenge (Caers & Castelyns, 2011)
Agreed. In fact, According to Armstrong (2010), the purpose of selection is to assess applicant suitability. The selection process entails determining the level of candidate attributes. Individual interviews and assessment centers are the most common ways of selection.
ReplyDeleteYes Sampath,
Deletethe concept of screening employees for “fit” with the organization (beyond cognitive abilities and skills) as a key strategy for reducing turnover while improving organizational commitment and job performance is well-documented in the scholarly literature (Borman, Hanson, & Hedge, 199)
Agreed, The sources and methods from which an organization recruits potential candidates are critical to the success of its overall recruitment strategy (Noe et al., 2003). Typical internal methods include bidding, job posting, referrals, skills inventories, and the intranet (Spector, 2003). Typical external methods include recruiting on university campuses, direct mail, advertising, recruitment agencies, and professional associations (Werther and Davis 2003; Mathis and Jackson 2008).
ReplyDeleteAgreed Khalid,
DeleteEmployers will need to keep profile of employee data and information, and for this purpose database, management is very important. Such databases will store information regarding candidates' contact, qualification and referees. Database will verify the candidates‟ background, education, driving license, criminal records and previous employment. This will be helpful in consistency and efficiency in recruitment process (El-Gohary, 2012).
Yes agreed. The recruitment process is carried out in accordance with HR plans and is in line with the selection processes that organisations use to assess the suitability of candidates for the job profile, and the selection can only work if the recruitment process generates a sufficiently large pool of prospective workers from which the most suitable candidates can be chosen. The process of recruitment begins with the formation of a vacancy, which is subsequently forwarded to HR employees for filling by top-level management (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).
ReplyDeleteYes Menupa,
DeleteBefore filling in a vacant job position, a company must go through a step by step hiring process to find the most suitable and qualified candidate for the job. Though the process can be time-consuming, a rushed hire could be disastrous for a company, leading to high staff turnover and missed opportunity costs (Mascarenhas, 2011).
Hi Diyanada, agreed with you. As per Henry (1997), one of the objectives discussed in the recruitment process is attracting large number of job applicants. Hence the organization would have a great opportunity to select prospective workers who are well capable of achieving organizational goals.
ReplyDeleteHey Lasanthi,
DeleteAn organization must see its future staffing needs, work detail and an vacant position to be filled before drawing in and reaching with competitors association ought to recognize best recruitment technique (Yaseen, 2015)
Agreed. HRM approach has moved from traditional recruitment methods to e-recruiting, due to the higher reach, cost efficiency and prompt communication (Chapman & Goddollei, 2017).
ReplyDeleteAgreed Chathuri,
DeleteRecently there has been significant increase in use of internet to recruit and select people has grown (Hopkins and Markham, 2003)
I agreed with you. Organization to organization has a different recruitment and selection process. In this pandemic situation, it industry has a big job market. There are more job offers in the world market. Company have to face this competition. According to the Henry (1997), the main objectives is emphasized in this process is to attract a large number of applicants. Therefore, organization should concern new recruitment and selection strategy.
ReplyDeleteYes Sanjeewani. Moreover,
DeleteVarious research evidences show that online recruitment have become easy way of cost saving and valuable time of firms (Hart et al 2000)
As explained by Opatha (2010), recruitment is the process of finding and attracting suitably qualified people to apply for job vacancies in the organization. It is a set of activities an organization uses to attract job candidates who have the needed abilities and attitudes.
ReplyDeleteYes Samuddhi,
DeleteThe importance of a detailed and a well organized recruitment and selection process cannot be overstated. Even though it costs time and money, companies can be assured that the right candidate is selected for the job, which in turn leads to higher productivity and reduced employee turnover (Mascarenhas, 2011).
Agreed with your view, in addition to this, selection is a process of deploying a suitable person hence in the competitive environment selection is very vital activity further proper selection would link with organization’s performance, improving employee retention, avoiding financial losses, enhancing the use of human capital and achieving competitive advantages (Robert Edenborough, 2005).
ReplyDeleteYes Gajendran. However,
DeleteNot only the employer but also employees are benefited with e recruitment system, since the availability of information about jobs are higher. Therefor it allows applicants to find-out better opportunities allows applicants to find-out better opportunities (Brahmana, 2013).
Yes Nimna,
ReplyDeleteThe adoption of E-system effectively and its proper implementation are basic requirement of increasing the productivity of organization and performance of employees (You & Ash, 2014).
Yes Agree Diyananda. As per David (2011), Recruitment and selection help organizations choose the right candidates for the right positions. Therefore, understanding the difference between recruitment and selection is essential to reduce any losses for an organization (Timmers , 2003).